Regular Council Meetings

Please be advised the Council schedule has changed:

  (Council is holding (1) regular meeting per month)

Council Meetings: Council meets the First Monday of every month.
All Regular Council
Meetings are held in the Council Chambers.

  • First Monday of every month at 6:30 PM.

Please be advised the First Monday meeting is a Public Forum, this is an opportunity for
citizens to come before council with various issues. Please limit your comments to 3 – 5
minutes. Council encourages citizen participation and asked that you contact the Clerk
to Council at 864-898-5856 to sign up for this forum, or sign up in Council Chambers.

  • Council will call committee meetings and work sessions during the third week of each
    month when necessary.  Please note that all of these meetings are posted on the county
    calendar, and media notified. These meetings are also open to the public.

 Pickens County Planning Commission

The Pickens County Planning Commission meets on the second Monday of each month in
the main conference room at the Pickens County Administration Building. In general, the
Planning Commission may conduct two types of meetings each month: a regular meeting
and a public hearing. If the Planning Commission has old or new business to discuss, the
regular meeting is held each month. A public hearing is required when the Planning
Commission is reviewing an application for a specific land use as set forth in the Pickens
County Development Standards Ordinance or a subdivision having more than a total of ten
lots. Additionally, the Planning Commission is required to conduct a public hearing when text
amendments are proposed for the Comprehensive Plan or the Development Standards
Ordinance. No formal action is taken at the Planning Commission public hearing. All Planning
Commission votes are made at the regular meeting.

Public comments are an integral part of the public hearings and regular meetings. On the
regular meeting Agenda, there is a separate Agenda item to hear public comments, and
during a public hearing there are specific periods for hearing public comments related to the
public hearing Agenda items. Agendas for all Planning Commission meetings are posted and
published prior to all Planning Commission meetings.

Pickens County Board of Zoning Appeals

The Pickens County Board of Zoning Appeals meets on the fourth Monday of each month in
the board room at the Pickens County Administration Building. Special called meetings and
any meeting date and time changes are posted at least twenty-four hours prior to the subject
meeting. The Board of Zoning Appeals conducts regular meetings each month to hear
variance requests from ordinance requirements and appeals from an action of an enforcement
official. Each variance and/or appeal application is heard as a separate Agenda item and
public input is taken on each individual application as the Agenda item is being considered by
the Board. Agendas for all Planning Commission meetings are posted and published prior to
all Planning Commission meetings.

Administration and Finance

Property assessment; taxation; appropriations; fee based ordinances or resolutions; capital
improvements; bonds and bond indebtedness; establishment of purchasing procedures;
policy relating to compensation, tenure, seniority, retirement and other matters relating to
County officials and employees.

Public Service

Regulation of buildings; drainage and flood control; county roads; right of way acquisition;
parking and traffic control; roadside appearance; public utilities; county property.

Justice and Public Safety

Legislation and legal matters; law enforcement; County courts; public records; County
Council rules and regulations; public safety; military affairs; fire protection; judicial
administration and related matters.

Education, Recreation, Health, Welfare and County Planning

County planning; land use; subdivision regulation; education, recreation, parks playgrounds,
museums and historic sites.

Pickens County Aeronautics Commission

The Pickens County Aeronautics Commission meets the 2nd Thursday of every month at
6:00 p.m. at the Pickens County Administration Building conference room unless otherwise
posted. The commission is charged with the development of aviation in Pickens County and
the Pickens County Airport. The meetings are open to the public and media.