Community Profile

Established - 1868
County Seat - City of Pickens
Form of Government - Council - Administrator
Area - 497 Square Miles

Average Minimum Temperature - 49.3 F
Average Maximum Temperature - 71.9 F
Average Annual Temperature - 60.6 F
Average Annual Precipitation - 54.3"

Gender Composition (2010)
Males - 59,553 (50%)
Females - 59,671 (50%)
Range: 600-3,548 feet above sea level
Average: 1,200 feet above sea level
Registered Voters - 68,808
Number of Voters - 49,491
  Last General Election
Percentage Voting - 71.9%
Voter Precincts - 61
Number of Representatives-State - 4
Number of Senators-State - 2
 Population Trends and Projections
1990   93,896
2000 110,757
2010 120,600
2015 121,691
2020 135,920
Land Use Square Miles    
Rural 425 86%  
Urban   72 14%  
 Population by Municipality (2010)
Central   5,159
Clemson 13,905
Easley 19,193
Liberty  3,269
Norris     813
Pickens  3,126
Six Mile     675
Unincorporated 72,284
Rank: 14 out of 46 counties in South Carolina
Population Density: 240.2 per square mile
Family 29,540 65.3%
Non-Family 15,688 34.7%
With Children under 18 years 13,555 30.0%
With Person over 65 years 11,488 25.4%
Average Household Size Owner Occupied: 2.52
Average Household Size Renter Occupied: 2.40
Average Family Size: 3.0
 Age Composition (2010)
Under 5 years   6,429  5.4%
5-19 years 25,096 21.0%
20-24 years 14,757 12.4%
25-44 years 27,408 23.0%
45-64 years 29,541 24.8%
65 and over 15,993 13.4%
 Housing Units (2010)
Owner Occupied 31,161 68.9%
Renter Occupied 14,067 31.1%
Vacant-Seasonal Use      1,355  2.6%
Vacant-For Rent   1,609  3.1%
Vacant-For Sale      783  1.5%
Vacant-Other   2,269  4.4%
Homeowner Vacancy Rate: 2.4%
Rental Vacancy Rate: 10.2% 
 Age Composition (2010)
0-17 years 24,287 20.4%
18 and over 94,937 79.6%
Index Crime Rate

Year Pickens
2012 2,350.0 4,381.0 3,255.8
2013 2,224.0 4,139.3 3,102.7
2014 1,976.0 3,958.0 2,961.6
2015 1,535.4 3,797.8 2,859.6
(Per 100,000 of Population)
Median Age (2010)
United States 37.2 years
South Carolina 37.9 years
Pickens County 34.9 years