Who We Are and What We Do

The purpose of the Pickens County GIS Department is to construct, maintain, and assure the
quality of the Pickens County Digital Database and provide guidance and assistance to any
organization wishing to utilize this digital data. This guidance and assistance can take the
form of digital data delivery, map creation, or direct assistance by GIS Mapping personnel.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is GIS?

A. Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer system for assembling, storing,
manipulating, and displaying data. This data contains physical locations (geographic
coordinates) of features and information about those features (attribute data). GIS is not only
used for data storage, maintenance and retrieval, but it is also used as an Analysis tool to
answer questions that are geographic in nature. The following is an example of a question
that could be posed to a GIS system.

"Give me all of the parcels in a 100' buffer around Georges Creek that are not vacant"

Q. Why are some layers or text not shown on the GIS Public Access web page?

A. Some layers are only visible at certain zoom levels. Zoom in to display more layers or text.

Q. How long does it take to display a map?

A. Display time can vary greatly depending upon the layers that are selected for display and
on connection speed. (Modem, DSL, T1) Modems can take up to a minute, while DSL and T1
usually display within 15 seconds.

Q. What if the map does not execute my zoom, pan, or refresh request?

A. Try clicking the request again. Sometimes this will correct the problem. It may be
necessary to go back to the default home page and start over to correct the problem.

Q. How can I get a bigger printout?

A. Printout sizes are limited to the printer that your PC is connected to. If a larger (custom)
printout is needed please contact the GIS Department. Click here for pricing.

Q. How can I contact someone in GIS?

A. Refer to the contact information at the top of the page.

Mapping Products

The Pickens County GIS Department maintains large amounts of spatial data in a digital
format. A list of the data layers follows.

  • Parcel Boundaries
  • Soils
  • Fire Hydrants
  • Orthophotos (Aerial Photos)
  • Hydrography
  • Zip Codes
  • Election Boundaries
  • Flood Zones
  • Road Centerline
  • Fire Districts
  • Watershed
  • Education Boundaries
  • EMS / Rescue
  • Municipalities


Pleae refer to the Data Dissemination Policy for further information.